Template Assisted Crystalization (TAC)

Template Assisted Crystalization

How does OneFlow® TAC work?


OneFlow media granules provide nucleation sites that cause dissolved calcium, magnesium and bicarbonate to combine into microscopic crystals. Once formed, these crystals detach from the media, and flow freely through the system.

“Hard” water contains a high mineral content (primarily calcium and magnesium that naturally occur in groundwater). Over time, hard water can cause scale to build up in pipes and plumbing, increasing your energy costs and shortening the life of your appliances.


Why is scale harmful to plumbing and appliances?

  • It reduces the inner diameter of pipes and fittings, ultimately leading to restrictions in flow rate and pressure loss
  • It can form on internal moving parts of valves and components, affecting their intended purpose or worse, causing safety failures
  • Heating elements can become coated with scale, reducing efficiency and increasing operating costs
  • Over time, scale becomes highly insoluble, making it extremely difficult to remove, which can lead to costly remediation efforts

How TAC compares to other scale prevention technologies